Max Particles and Power Spots in Pokémon Go explained (2025)

How to collect Max Particles in Pokémon Go!

Max Particles and Power Spots in Pokémon Go explained (2)

Guide by Lottie Lynn Guides Editor

Updated on

Max Particles and Power Stops are important parts of the Dynamax Pokémon and Max Battles features of Pokémon Go.

Power Spots are where Max Battles are held in Pokémon Go. Yet, without Max Particles, you won't be able to partake in them. Due to this, it's important to understand how both Max Particles and Power Spots work if you want to start collecting Dynamax Pokémon.

While Max Battles won't be released until Tuesday 10th September, every player will have access to Max Particles and Power Spots in their region once 12pm (local time) has passed on Wednesday 4th September. This means you've got a good amount of time to collect these all important particles!

So read on to learn how to collect Max Particles in Pokémon Go, what Max Particles used for and everything you need to know about Power Spots.

On this page:

  • How to collect Max Particles from Power Spots
  • What are Max Particles used for?
  • Power Spots explained

Wednesday 4th September: At the time of writing, both Max Particles and Power Spots are being released globally in Pokémon Go - at 12pm (local time) on Wedneday 4th September. Due to this, you might not have access to this feature in your region yet. Max Battles, meanwhile, will be released on Tuesday 10th September.

How to collect Max Particles from Power Spots in Pokémon Go

There are two main methods you can use to collect Max Particles in Pokémon Go - visiting a Power Spot, which are new locations appearing on the map alongside Gyms and PokéStop, and walking 2km per day.

Before we get into specifics, however, it's important to note that you can only collect 800 Max Particles by day.

Max Particles and Power Spots in Pokémon Go explained (3)

This is a soft cap, however, so you won't loose out on any bonus Max Particles you earn from Power Spots. Despite this, there is a downside - if you're over the 800 Max Particle limit, but haven't collected the Max Particles you earn from walking, you'll be unable to collect them as you can see in the screenshot to the right. If you're beneath this limit, at 700 Max Particles for example, then you will be able to collect this extra amount and safely go over the cap.

It's also important to note that you can only carry a certain number of Max Particles at a time and must spend them before collecting more.

With that out of the way, let's take a look at how to collect Max Particles!

To collect Max Particles from a Power Spot, you must first visit one on the map. Once you've there, simply press on the Power Spot like you would a PokéStop before moving your finger over the glowing purple orbs to collect the Max Particles. (No, I don't know why Max Particles are floating purple orbs. Sorry.)

You will earn 120 Max Particles per Power Spot, the 20 appearing to be a bonus. Yet, the first Power Spot you interact with each day will grant you slightly more and, in my case, this was 200 Max Particles.

You can only earn Max Particles from a Power Spot once per day and can tell whether a Power Spot has Max Particles waiting for you by the glowing purple orbs circling around it on the map. If the orbs are present, then you can grab some Max Particle. No orbs? No particles.

Max Particles and Power Spots in Pokémon Go explained (4)
Max Particles and Power Spots in Pokémon Go explained (5)

To earn Max Particles from walking 2km, you first to, well, walk 2km. You can keep track of this by opening your Pokémon radar in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and scrolling along to the Power Stop section. There you'll find a counter outlining how far you've currently walked to reach this requirement.

Walking 2km will earn you 300 Max Particles and, once you've traveled this distance, simply return to the Power Spot menu in your Pokémon radar and press 'Done!'

Finally, you can also collect Max Particles from completing parts of the To the Max! quest and it's quite possible we'll see this reward return if more Dynamax-themed research quest are released in the future.

The Max Out Season is here! It begins with the GO All Out event, which has brought us new Gen 8 Pokémon, including Grookey, Scorbunny and Sobble, and the Galar Calling quest.Max Battles and Dynamax Pokémon are slowly making their way into Pokémon Go. You can now visit Power Spots to collect Max Particles and complete the To the Max! quest.Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.

What are Max Particles used for in Pokémon Go?

Max Particles have two primary purposes in Pokémon Go - for partaking in Max Battles at Power Spots and levelling up a Dynamax Pokémon's Max Moves.

At the time of writing, Max Battles won't be released until Tuesday 10th September. Due to this I can't go into specifics about how Max Particles work alongside Max Battles. What I do know, however, from the in-game tutorial about Power Spots is that Max Particles are required for battling the Max Battle Boss (also known as Dynamax Pokémon) and are only consumed if you win said battle.

I'll update this section once I've participated in a Max Battle!

Max Particles and Power Spots in Pokémon Go explained (6)

When it comes to Max Moves, it's first important to note that only Pokémon with the ability to Dynamax can learn them, such as the Wooloo you'll earn from the To the Max! quest and ones caught from Max Raids. Each Dynamax Pokémon has three Max Moves, but some Dynamax Pokémon will need a number of their Max Moves to be unlocked first before they can be used.

Max Moves can be used in battle, including ones against other Dynamax or Gigantamax Pokémon. You can find a Dynamax Pokémon's Max Move set by pressing the Dyanmax option on their Pokémon page in your storage. It sits directly beneath where their type is outlined.

Max Particles and Power Spots in Pokémon Go explained (7)
Max Particles and Power Spots in Pokémon Go explained (8)

Max Particles can be used to both level up and unlock Max Moves, alongside a required amount of the correct candy for the Dynamax Pokémon whose moveset you wish to improve.

Using the Dynamax Wooloo from the To the Max! quest as an example, levelling up its Max Strike move requires 600 Max Particles and 100 Wooloo Candy. The amount required for both then increases as I continue to level up this move.

Meanwhile, unlocking its other two Max Moves - Max Guard and Max Spirit - requires 400 Max Particles and 50 Wooloo Candy each. This means I need a total of 800 Max Particles and 100 Wooloo Candy to access its full Max Move set.

Power Spots in Pokémon Go explained

Power Spots are a new location in Pokémon Go where you can collect Max Particles and partake in Max Battles. They have a purple hued design, a little stadium field sitting in the middle, with the Dynamax symbol floating above them.

At the time of writing, it's important to note that both Power Spots and Max Particles are being released at 12pm (local time) on Wednesday 4th September so, if you don't have them right now, you will soon!

If you're yet to collect the Max Particles from a Power Spot, then they'll also have a collection of purple orbs floating around them. If these orbs are gone then so are the Max Particles and you'll have to wait for them to return before collecting them again.

Max Particles and Power Spots in Pokémon Go explained (9)

Each Power Spot stands independently to Gyms and PokéStops, meaning they have not replaced any previous location in Pokémon Go. Interestly, unlike these other locations, Power Spots do not have a Photo Disc but their location is labelled, such as 'Town Hall' for example.

Max Particles and Power Spots in Pokémon Go explained (10)

Unlike Gyms and PokéStops, you can not earn items from Power Spots - only Max Particles. Power Spots are also temporary and will vanish over a certain period of time. Thankfully more Power Spots will appear on the map, so you'll never be without one.

You can check how long a Power Spot will be available for by opening the Pokémon radar in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and scrolling to the 'Power Spot' tab. Here you'll find a list of all the Power Spots close to your current location alongside with how long it will remain in place. Since the locations of Power Spots are constantly changing, it's worth keeping an eye on their locations so you can incorporate them into your Pokémon Go walks to ensure you never miss a Max Battle or run low on Max Particles.

Power Spots are also where you can partake in Max Battles. Here a Power Spot Boss will appear in the form of a Dynamax Battle and you'll need a certain amount of Max Particles to defeat it. Though these particles will only be consumed if you win the battle thankfully!

If you do win the battle, then you can place a Pokémon from your battle party at the Power Spot and it will go on to assist other players, earning you candy while doing so. The maximum number of Pokémon you can have sitting in different Power Spots is 20, so this is a good way to earn additional candy.

Max Particles and Power Spots in Pokémon Go explained (11)
Max Particles and Power Spots in Pokémon Go explained (12)

After visiting a Power Spot you may even find yourself encountering a Dynamax Pokémon in the wild if a Gigantamax Pokémon has been placed at said Power Spot! Though I would like to test this feature out first before fully confirming its details.

Best of luck collecting Max Particles from Power Spots in Pokémon Go!

Max Particles and Power Spots in Pokémon Go explained (2025)


Max Particles and Power Spots in Pokémon Go explained? ›

Power Spots are the locations where you can collect Max Particles and join Max Battles. Power Spots don't give you items like PokéStops or Gyms. Instead, you collect Max Particles, which you'll need for the new battles. They are temporary locations, so they will disappear after some time.

How do max particles work in Pokémon Go? ›

There are two main methods you can use to collect Max Particles in Pokémon Go - visiting a Power Spot, which are new locations appearing on the map alongside Gyms and PokéStop, and walking 2km per day. Before we get into specifics, however, it's important to note that you can only collect 800 Max Particles by day.

What are max particles and power spots? ›

Max Particles, now appearing throughout the world, are mysterious energy found concentrated at Power Spots, enabling Dynamax Pokémon to transform. Trainers can collect Max Particles by scouting out and interacting with Power Spots.

What are Pokémon Max particles? ›

Max Particles are special items in Pokémon Go. You need them for two main things: participating in Max Battles at Power Spots and leveling up your Dynamax Pokémon's Max Moves. Without Max Particles, you won't be able to fight in Max Battles, so collecting them is essential!

What do I do with max particles? ›

Preparing for Dynamax Battles at Power Spots

When they do, you'll need Max Particles to take on the giant-sized Pokémon at Power Spots. To win these battles, team up with other Trainers, just like you would in Raid Battles at Gyms. Winning Max Battles will allow you to catch Dynamax Pokémon and use them in your game.

What are power spots on Pokémon GO? ›

Power Spots are volatile locations that emit Max Particles, and contain Dynamax Pokémon. Due to the mysterious nature of Max Particles, Power Spots may not stay in the same location for long and will appear and disappear at different locations on the Map over time.

What happens if you have too many items in Pokémon GO? ›

Once you have reached or exceeded your max item limit, you will not be able to gather new items from PokéStops, Gyms or as battle rewards.

How many max particles do I have? ›

It's supposed to be that you can only earn 800 a day, but you can hold up to 1000 total.

What is a Pokémon power spot? ›

Power Spots in Pokemon GO are tower-like structures that have a similar design to PokeStops and Gyms. These are the locations where you can find Max Particles and take part in Max Battles.

What are the examples of point particles? ›

The quarks, leptons and bosons of the Standard Model are point-like particles. Every other subatomic particle you ve heard of is an extended particle. The most familiar are the protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus of an atom, but there are many others—pions, kaons, Lambda particles, omegas and lots more.

What is the strongest usable Pokémon? ›

Arceus. By far the most naturally powerful Legendary Pokémon, with 720 points, Arceus is the closest thing the Poké-world has to a God – and as such, has powers you won't find with any other. These include Multitype, allowing it to change forms at will, telepathy, and the ability to control other Legendary Pokémon.

What is max lvl in Pokemon go? ›

Trainer levels

The current maximum level a player can get is 50. Each time players level up, rewards are given to them based on what level has been achieved. Leveling-up past level 40 requires both XP and Level-up Research to be completed. Trainer Level is also tied to maximum level an owned Pokémon can have.

What can you do with particles? ›

Particles can also be used to create scientific models of even larger objects depending on their density, such as humans moving in a crowd or celestial bodies in motion. Arc welders need to protect themselves from welding sparks, which are heated metal particles that fly off the welding surface.

What are particles and what do they do? ›

In science, a particle is defined as any basic unit of matter and energy. A particle refers to a quantity of matter that is used by scientists or engineers to construct theories about their field of study. There is no particular size restriction on defining a particle.

How does max CP work in Pokémon GO? ›

The higher the level a Trainer is, the higher the CP of a Pokémon can be. Trainer can power up their Pokémon up to ten levels above current Trainer Level. Wild Pokémon caught will also have higher CP as the Trainer levels up. Once the Trainer has reached Level 30, the CP ceiling for wild Pokémon is capped at level 35.

How do max raids work in Pokémon GO? ›

To take on any Dynamax Max Battles in Pokémon GO, you will need at least 250 Max Particles. The Max Particle requirement will change depending on the power of the Power Spot Boss. However, Max Particles are only used up when you successfully take down the boss so don't be afraid to give it a go.

Is there a limit to how much you can power up a Pokémon? ›

You can power up a Pokémon with Stardust and Candy, which you can acquire by catching Pokémon or hatching Eggs. You can also earn Candy by transferring Pokémon. How much you can power up a Pokémon is limited by your current level.

What is the maximum number of items you can have in Pokémon GO? ›

Bag Upgrade is a purchasable item which increases a Trainer's maximum items bag size by 50. 200. The upgrade gives the player 50 additional storage slots for any items. Players can repeat this action to continue gaining additional storage, until reaching the maximum possible inventory size of 7,300.

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